First rain for our boulis !

by Marc Sylvestre | 31 July 2023
catégories : senegal, programme2

Image First rain for our boulis !

For several months we worked on profiling 3 boulis in the Fatick region. We identified low-lying areas where run-off accumulated, raised awareness among communities and authorities of the problem of collecting run-off and restored these wetlands by overburdening them.

These areas, most of which are abandoned or little-known, have great potential for reintroducing water into the landscape and significantly strengthening the area's ecosystems. The boulis have just received their first rains and suddenly everything makes sense.

The water is accumulating, the animals are coming back, the vegetation is recovering and the communities are rejoicing. We're delighted to see the enthusiasm of the communities for this type of initiative, and we're going to continue our commitment by taking advantage of this rainy season to plant hundreds of trees and support this paradigm shift.

catégories : senegal, programme2

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