IRHA meets with Minister of Water Resource (Burkina)

by sylvestre | 8 December 2023
catégories : suisse, programme5

Image IRHA meets with Minister of Water Resource (Burkina)

In November, I had the honour of meeting with the Minister of Water Resource of Burkina Faso. The meeting was held at the Burkina Faso House in Geneva,

Following the oucomes of the IWRM review conducted in Burkina, we had the chance to discuss water issues and the obvious need to take into account rainwater management into the plans. Urban or rural settings, it is all about dealing with the too much and too little water.

Climate change is there and it is becoming an urgent matter for national decision makers to step up to the challenge and take appropriate actions.

Looking forward for more collaborations...

catégories : suisse, programme5

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