Rain School Initiative in Monsoon region to overcome climate crisis

par Marc Sylvestre | 15 mars 2023
catégories : programme5

Image Rain School Initiative in Monsoon region to overcome climate crisis

Rainwater is recognized as directly related to the current climate crisis, especially the phenomena of flood and drought. It, however, has been receiving less attention among water management practices or even ignored or managed off-site instead of source-control. As

people in the Monsoon region have traditionally suffered from droughts and floods each year, rainwater is either a blessing or a curse, depending on how they manage rainwater. They might also have cultivated site-specific wisdom to tackle climate issues, which should be learned and shared widely. Young people in particular, who are the leaders and owners of the world, must know how to survive unprecedented climate extremes while living in peace with friends and neighbors by gaining and sharing the wisdom of their ancestors. In this context, school is believed to be an ideal place to teach and learn creative ideas and spread knowledge to the community and society.

The objective of this initiative is to raise the awareness of schools and students in each country about the importance of rainwater through international activities.

The friendship made among young students would lay the foundation for the resilience of not only world peace but also climate change combat. To this end, “Rain School” and “Rain School Network” are proposed here, as school is the best place to harvest rainwater for drinking, exchange wisdom, and transfer knowledge.

At Rain School, a Rain for Drinking system consists of :

  • the roof catchment area, gutter, first flush diverter, series of tanks, pump, and fountain is constructed, producing drinking water that meets National Drinking Water Quality Standards.
  • The system is designed using a multiple-barrier concept and nature-based treatment method, supplying 0.5-1L of water to each student daily. Collected rainwater quality and quality, as well as rainfall amount, are closely monitored mostly by the students.
  • Water usage is self-regulated to minimize water shortage during the dry season. Remote consultation is provided through installed cameras and weekly reports.
  • For innovative system maintenance and social promotion, a special group called BiTS (“Bi” means “rain” in Korean, “T” stands for “Teachers” and “S” for “Students”) is formed. This group takes part in various Beauty (art and cultural exchange), Technology (system monitoring), and Social activities. They decorate the system, look for local ancient wisdom about water, and make creative dances.
  • They then share the gained knowledge with their family and community, other school members, and society. International conferences and contests among different Monsoon Rain Schools are organized, drawing the attention, interest, and willingness to join BiTS groups and the Rain School Network.
  • Another innovative idea is the creation of a SkyWater Committee, which consists of all parties: the school authority, Parent Association, rainwater experts, and local authority. It decides on necessary financial assistance and activities to ensure the system’s safe and sustainable supply. Rain Schools are now operating in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Vanuatu. Laos and Myanmar’s Rain Schools will start operation in 2023.

The Rain School Network in Monsoon will soon expand to other regions, such as South Asia (SARNET) and Africa.Read more>

Conference flyer Programme

catégories : programme5

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