Programme 1

Rainwater for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

Strengthen access to drinking water services, sanitation and best hygiene practices, while respecting ecological balance and raising the awareness of local actors to better manage rainwater (RWH).

In collaboration with Kanchan Nepal, Caritas Kaolack

Blue School, Rain Community, Emergency Rain



Rural Water Supply Network, Aguasan (RWSN), Global Water Partnership (GWP), Susana, GRAIE


#nobluenogreen #watersecurity #water4climate


Worldwide, 2 billion people do not have access to safe drinking water. An estimated 3.6 billion people do not have access to adequate sanitation. In 2021, more than 50% of schools will not have soap for good hygiene (WHO/UNICEF, 2021).


The challenge of providing access to safe water for all


Access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation is a human right and can prevent a significant proportion of water-related diseases. To date, 86% of urban residents have access to safe drinking water services, but only 60% of rural residents. Safely managed sanitation services reach 62% of the world's urban population, but only 44% of the rural population.

Rainwater is a free resource that can play a vital role in the realisation of this human right. Improving the management of this resource is a highly relevant and effective response to improving the health of children, women and communities around the world.

As such, the management of this resource is fully in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 6.

In order to guarantee access to rainwater resources for all and everywhere, IRHA intends to support

  • Strengthening community access to safe water and sanitation services and good hygiene practices through the implementation of sustainable and operational rainwater harvesting systems, sanitation (latrines, toilets) and hand washing.
  • Strengthening the knowledge (technical and organisational capacities) of local actors in terms of prevention of waterborne diseases, maintenance and sustainable management of infrastructures.
  • Supporting local actors to improve rainwater management and to implement natural resource conservation initiatives in their territories.

"Thanks to the Calabash, my wife was able to cook and wash without using tap water. There are many of us in the household and water bills are expensive. Thanks to this rainwater harvesting system, instead of paying 6,000FCFA every two months, I only had to pay 1,500FCFA. "

Mr. Bakhoum, Boyard Ndiodiome (Senegal) Credits@IRHA, 2020





Programme 1



News - Rainwater for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

25 April 2024
by Han Heijnen

Following the 2-day Regional Rainwater Conference on 18 and 19th of March organized by the Nepal Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (see March newslet...

30 November 2023
by Sylvestre

Aadarsha Blue School is the 12th Blue School implemented by Kanchan Nepal (KN) and International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (IRHA) in Nepal. Blu...

28 August 2023
by Marc Sylvestre

We are delighted to announce that, thanks to funding from the Fédération genevoise de coopération (FGC), and in partnership with Kanchan Nepal, ...


“Life is easier now, we have water available at home. We are also growing vegetables. It took almost an hour for a roundtrip and had to wait longer for water collection. But now, we do not have to do so. This tank has changed my life!"

Gita Adhikari, Begnas Rain Community (Nepal) Credit @Kanchan Nepal, 2021


Other Programmes


Programme 2

Rainfed Agriculture and Food Sovereignty

Rainfed agriculture represents more than 85% of family farming today. Ongoing climate change is impacting on the harvests and food sovereignty of farming communities.

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Programme 3

Disaster risk management and ecosystem restoration

The weakening of forest, mangrove and wetland ecosystems, which helps reduce exposure to major risks, increases the vulnerability of communities to the effects of climate change.

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Programme 4

Urban Rainwater

Storm rain, flooding, creating islands of coolness, rainwater management in the city has emerged in recent years as a nature-based solution (NbS) that cannot be ignored in managing a sustainable city.

Read More


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